Sicilia EVOO (Italy)
EVOO - Sicilian PGI Organic Multivarietal Extra Virgin Olive Oil
EVOO - Extra virgin olive oil "SetteLune" lt. 5 - 2023-24
EVOO - Extra vitgin olive oil "SetteLune" lt. 3 - 2023-24
EVOO - Extra virgin olive oil "SetteLune" 100 ml. - 2023-24
EVOO - Sicilian Organic Multivarietal Extra Virgin Olive Oil Bag in Box
EVOO - Sicilian Organic Multivarietal Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Sicilian EVOO and Sicilian Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Sicily has always been a land dedicated to the cultivation of olive trees. The fertile soil and climatic conditions favor these crops. It is estimated that in the entire Sicilian territory there are over 20 million plants, so that Sicily is the third largest producer of Italian extra virgin olive oil, after Puglia and Calabria. About 82% of the companies present do not exceed 5 hectares in extension. We are therefore among small companies that produce quality EVOO, particularly located in the provinces of Palermo, Trapani and Agrigento. There are six PDO for Sicilian EVOO: the PDO "Monti Iblei", the PDO "Valli Trapanesi", the PDO "Val di Mazara", the PDO "Monte Etna", the PDO "Valle del Belice" and the PDO "Valdemone". The predominant variety of cultivars are eight: Biancolilla, Cerasuola, Moresca, Nocellara del Belice, Nocellara Etnea, Oglialora Messinese, Santagatese, Tonda Iblea which make up 80% of the varieties grown in Sicily. With these assumptions it becomes impossible to define the characteristics and flavor of Sicilian extra virgin olive oil. We can certainly say that we are dealing with a high quality product suitable for all palates and uses for our cuisine.