Olioevo FIOI Independent Olive Growers

FIOI Independent Olive Growers

Olio EVO - Olio Extravergine d'oliva "Goccia Verde" - 2 Olio EVO - Olio Extravergine d'oliva "Goccia Verde" - 2 2

Olio EVO Puglia - Olio extravergine d’oliva "Don Gaudio"  Coratina Denocciolato Oro di Rufolo Puglia - 1 Olio EVO Puglia - Olio extravergine d’oliva "Don Gaudio"  Coratina Denocciolato Oro di Rufolo Puglia - 1 2

Olio EVO - Olio Extravergine d'oliva IGP "Terre in Fiore" Biologico - 1 Olio EVO - Olio Extravergine d'oliva IGP "Terre in Fiore" Biologico - 1 2

EVOO - Itran's Italian single variety extra virgin olive oil - 1,5 lt. - 2

EVOO - Itran's Italian single variety extra virgin olive oil - 1

10 - 1 10 - 1 2

Olio EVO della Puglia e olio extravergine d’oliva pugliese - 1 Olio EVO della Puglia e olio extravergine d’oliva pugliese - 1 2

Olio EVO - Olio Extravergine d'oliva "CORATINA" Oro di Rufolo Puglia - 1 Olio EVO - Olio Extravergine d'oliva "CORATINA" Oro di Rufolo Puglia - 1 2

Gift Box GangaLupo - Olio e Mandorle - 1 Gift Box GangaLupo - Olio e Mandorle - 1 2

Gift Box GangaLupo - Olio, Pesto e Mandorle - 1 Gift Box GangaLupo - Olio, Pesto e Mandorle - 1 2

Condimento a base di olio extravergine d’oliva "PESTO CHE PASSIONE" gr. 185 - 1 Condimento a base di olio extravergine d’oliva "PESTO CHE PASSIONE" gr. 185 - 1 2



Olio EVO - Olio Extravergine d'oliva "Podere Torre delle Monache" Monovarietale CORATINA - 1 Olio EVO - Olio Extravergine d'oliva "Podere Torre delle Monache" Monovarietale CORATINA - 1 2

Olio EVO -  Olio Extravergine d'oliva monovarietale di Carolea "Carol & A" 2024 - 1

Olio EVO - Olio Extravergine d'oliva "Podere Torre delle Monache" Monovarietale Ogliarola Barese Bag in Box - 1 Olio EVO - Olio Extravergine d'oliva "Podere Torre delle Monache" Monovarietale Ogliarola Barese Bag in Box - 1 2

Olio EVO - Podere Torre delle Monache - 1 Olio EVO - Podere Torre delle Monache - 1 2

EVOO - 4 bottles pack of Italian extra virgin olive oil

Olio EVO - Olio extravergine d'oliva "Core 'ngrato" 500 ml. - 1

EVOO - Italian monovarietal extra virgin olive oil Rotondella - 1

EVOO - "Raro" Italian Blend Extra Virgin Olive Oil - 1

EVOO - Italian single variety Carpellese extra virgin olive oil - 1

Olioevo Olivicoltori Indipendenti FIOI

Olioevo point of affection FIOI

Sale of EVO oil from FIOI producers

FIOI - In this section OLIOEVO welcomes the extra virgin olive oils produced by companies registered with the Italian Federation of Independent Olive Growers (FIOI). Here you will find for sale the best EVO oils from the producers of FIOI which brings together the vital forces of the Italian olive production world, small and in many cases very small agricultural companies and medium-sized artisanal olive growing companies which deal with meticulous attention to the extraction of Extra Virgin Olive Oil olive.

In particular, the independent olive growers of FIOI include producers, artisanal oil mills and small cooperatives who in their production follow the specifications of the Italian Federation of Independent Olive Growers (FIOI) which commits them to the creation and creation of Italian extra virgin olive oil from olive cultivars strictly Italian. They are companies that guarantee the origin, artisanal character, authenticity and quality of an EVO oil resulting from the work of the olive grower who has collected, selected, transformed, packaged and monitored the entire production cycle.

Italy holds the largest olive growing heritage in the world with over 600 varieties of olives, the result of the diversity of the soils, territories and different microclimates that characterize our country; a heritage of very high historical and cultural value that we risk losing due to neglect of the environment, ongoing climate change and the intensive exploitation that depletes the land and the devaluation of agricultural work.

The activities of FIOI and of the extra virgin olive oil producers that are part of it are aimed at safeguarding the cultivation of historic Italian olive varieties, at their rediscovery and valorization and at spreading awareness of this heritage and putting Italian olive growing at the center of a study project for economic and cultural redevelopment.