Flavored EVOO

Olio EVO- Olio estravergine d'oliva aromatizzato - 1 Olio EVO- Olio estravergine d'oliva aromatizzato - 1 2
Olio EVO - Calissoni Bulgari Confezioni Regalo "AVANA" - 1

Flavored EVOO and Flavored Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

The Flavored Oil is a condiment based on Extra Virgin Olive Oil that is enriched with other ingredients, in order to obtain a tastier and perfect oil to accompany various dishes. Some have basic extra virgin olive oils derived from ORGANIC crops. In modern cuisine, flavored extra virgin olive oils are increasingly used by Star Chefs for increasingly tasty and above all healthy dishes. Here you will find a selection of excellent flavored and organic EVOO for sale.