
Zucchine Gr. 260 - 1 Zucchine Gr. 260 - 1 2
Pomodori Secchi Gr. 260 - 1 Pomodori Secchi Gr. 260 - 1 2
Patè di Peperoncino Piccante Gr. 180 - 1 Patè di Peperoncino Piccante Gr. 180 - 1 2
Patè di Lampascioni - 1
Patè di Olive Verdi Gr. 180 - 1 Patè di Olive Verdi Gr. 180 - 1 2
Patè di Olive Nere Gr. 180 - 1 Patè di Olive Nere Gr. 180 - 1 2
Patè di Melanzane Gr. 180 - 1 Patè di Melanzane Gr. 180 - 1 2
Patè di Carciofi gr. 180 - 1 Patè di Carciofi gr. 180 - 1 2
Olive Nere al Sale gr. 420 - 1 Olive Nere al Sale gr. 420 - 1 2
Melanzane a Filetto Gr. 260 - 1 Melanzane a Filetto Gr. 260 - 1 2
Lampascioni Gr. 260 - 1 Lampascioni Gr. 260 - 1 2
Gran Patè Mediterraneo - 1 Gran Patè Mediterraneo - 1 2

The term gastronomy includes, in addition to the ways of manipulating food, all the historical and cultural, technical and material elements that concur in the practice of food preparation, in its traditions and innovations. By "gastronomy products" we mean all products that focus on the enjoyment of the senses in addition to respecting merely nutritional needs. Here you will find products of the Italian gastronomic tradition mainly packaged with extra virgin olive oil, ancient and also innovative recipes as well as interesting and original gift proposals