List of products by brand Azienda Agricola Sarro


In the heart of Campania, in southern Italy, the Sarro farm was founded 5 years ago, led by young people, with the aim of creating an excellent product that satisfies our customers both on a sensory and taste level, but also on an aesthetic level . We produce extra virgin olive oil with exclusively artisan methods, which give life to a genuine and precious product. Today the company has also opened its production to the most recent innovations in the field of olive growing, in the protection of the environment and the highest quality standards: in fact, the olive harvest respects the right ripening times and within two hours the milling. In this way the oil retains all its nutrients, such as polyphenols and other natural antioxidants, which finally give the Humus oil the spicy taste typical of freshly picked green olives. Today in large-scale distribution we find prices that cannot be absolutely compatible with the product "Extra virgin olive oil" and this can confuse consumers leading them to buy products of dubious quality. Our intent is to guarantee the consumer by delivering a product of absolute quality and value at an affordable price. It is a challenge and a priority objective, almost a sort of social commitment. For the Sarro company, in fact, transparency on the price and the direct relationship with the customers are fundamental. With the intention of combining past and future, tradition and innovation, the extra virgin olive oil of Piana Del Sele is extracted from the two most representative cultivars of Campania olive production: the Carpellese and the Leccina (more resistant to parasites and bacteria) from our secular plants. To these we have added younger plants such as the rotondella and ogliarola.


In the heart of Campania, in southern Italy, the Sarro farm was founded 5 years ago, led by young people, with the aim of creating an excellent product that satisfies our customers both on a sensory and taste level, but also on an aesthetic level . We produce extra virgin olive oil with exclusively artisan methods, which give life to a genuine and precious product. Today the company has also opened its production to the most recent innovations in the field of olive growing, in the protection of the environment and the highest quality standards: in fact, the olive harvest respects the right ripening times and within two hours the milling. In this way the oil retains all its nutrients, such as polyphenols and other natural antioxidants, which finally give the Humus oil the spicy taste typical of freshly picked green olives. Today in large-scale distribution we find prices that cannot be absolutely compatible with the product "Extra virgin olive oil" and this can confuse consumers leading them to buy products of dubious quality. Our intent is to guarantee the consumer by delivering a product of absolute quality and value at an affordable price. It is a challenge and a priority objective, almost a sort of social commitment. For the Sarro company, in fact, transparency on the price and the direct relationship with the customers are fundamental. With the intention of combining past and future, tradition and innovation, the extra virgin olive oil of Piana Del Sele is extracted from the two most representative cultivars of Campania olive production: the Carpellese and the Leccina (more resistant to parasites and bacteria) from our secular plants. To these we have added younger plants such as the rotondella and ogliarola.
